Marketing nutrition for the Base of the Pyramid
Key Learnings
- A consumer-centred approach to create demand for nutrition products and change behaviour
- Effective distribution channels for nutrition products
- Targeted, effective marketing for the Base of the Pyramid (BOP) consumer
Nutritious products have been notoriously hard to sell commercially to low-income people. But the sector is making progress, with new customer insights and new models emerging. The importance of demand creation, targeted, effective marketing and innovative distribution mechanisms is particularly critical for such models to scale their impact.
This series will cover key aspects of the marketing and distribution of nutritious products to Base of the Pyramid markets. The discussion will focus mostly on marketing nutritious products targeting infants and young children, though most of the lessons learned apply to other nutritious foods (or even more widely to other beneficial consumer goods). It will share practical insights gathered from extensive research of models in this space by Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition and consulting firm Hystra.
- Webinar 1: Building demand for and repeat usage of nutritious foods
Nutritious foods or supplements provide a solution to a ‘problem’ understood by nutrition experts, but don’t necessarily address a ‘want’ that the consumer has. This webinar explores challenges in marketing nutritious products to low-income households including the vexing questions of:
- how to get this consumer interested in the product;
- what drives trust, aspiration and willingness to pay;
- and how to increase regular usage, which is compliant with amounts that ensure impact on nutritional status?
The speakers shared lessons learned from the experience of a range of companies and organizations about what consumers value, their willingness to pay, and drivers of trust and compliance. Companies mentioned in the webinar include: BRAC in Bangladesh, Nutrifaso in Burkina Faso (GRET supported), Nutrizaza in Madagascar (GRET supported), PKL in Côte d’Ivoire, e’Pap in South Africa, Milkuat in Indonesia, Naandi Foundation in India.
Duration: 70 minutes
- Marti van Liere, Director Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition at GAIN, who is passionate about consumer-centred behavior change communication and demand creation.
- Lucie Klarsfeld McGrath, Senior Project Manager at Hystra who was lead author of the Marketing Nutrition to the BoP report.
- Caroline Ashley, Founding Editor, The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business.
- Webinar 2: Effective delivery channels and ensuring business viability of nutrition enterprises
This webinar focuses on how enterprises organize the last mile distribution of their nutrition products, what costs various channels entail, and how effective these channels are at getting appropriate products into the hands of those who need them most. The discussion covered insights on the following:
- Distribution channels in rural areas
- Distribution channels in urban markets
- Best practices for optimising sales force productivity
Duration: 68 minutes
- Marti van Liere, Director Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition at GAIN, who is passionate about consumer-centred behavior change communication and demand creation.
- Lucie Klarsfeld McGrath, Senior Project Manager at Hystra who was lead author of the Marketing Nutrition to the BoP report.
- Clémence Boulle Martinaud, Nutrition Projects Manager at GRET Professionals for Fair Development
- Caroline Ashley, Founding Editor, The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business.