Prof. Jack Sim
Founder of the World Toilet Organization and leading social entrepreneur.

In this insightful podcast series, Jack Sim answers questions from readers of the Inclusive Business Online Magazine CLUED-iN. This month, he voices his thoughts around the topic of environmental innovation for the base of the pyramid.

In the first iteration of “Ask Jack,” a new companion podcast series, Jack Sim offers words to motivate and encourage entrepreneurs who are eager to respond to this issue’s call to action.

He reminds entrepreneurs that the first step must be to identify the problem you wish to solve. Only then can you develop a vision that will mobilise people to “trust, love, and collaborate with one another.” Have a listen for more great “Jack Sim words of wisdom.”

Listen to the first podcast of the new series on Soundcloud







Be part of the next podcast!

Ask Jack how to make a pitch for inclusive business

Also don´t miss the chance to send us new questions for the February issue of CLUED-iN that will be all about pitching the implementation of inclusive business models. We are going to search for answers to the ultimate question: Why should entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs opt for inclusive business?

Simply send your questions to by 31 January 2019 and Jack will respond via podcast.