Every month we present the most significant publications.

Cada mes presentamos las publicaciones más destacadas.


Esta base de datos contiene un amplio abanico de más de 2 000 publicaciones sobre negocios inclusivos y temas relacionados, como inversión de impacto, microfinanzas y enfoques de sistemas de mercado. Encontrará no solo informes, sino también investigación de mercado, estudios de caso, herramientas y vídeos que abordan diferentes sectores y regiones.

El amplio abanico de publicaciones en esta base de datos está relacionado con los negocios inclusivos, esto es, modelos de negocio que integran a los consumidores y consumidoras, proveedores, emprendedores y emprendedoras y/o empleados y empleadas situados en la base de la pirámide (BdP) en mercados con bajos niveles de ingresos y/o emergentes.


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Tipo de publicación

Database: Publications

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2

The significance of strengthening economic growth and sustainable development through financial inclusion is critical for the Asia-Pacific region. Harnessing the advent of digital technology to enable financial inclusion is one of the most promising opportunities to bring millions of unserved and underserved people across the region into the formal financial sector. This is especially true for people who are living at the base of the economic pyramid (BoEP) and for women, who are disproportionately marginalized.

However, while the promise of digital finance is appealing, the introduction of digital services does not solve many of the root causes of financial exclusion and also creates new challenges for those at the BoEP. This policy guidebook aims to support the region’s policy makers and regulators to capitalize on the opportunity to harness digital technology as an effective means to advance financial inclusion and enhance the wellbeing of those at the BoEP, including women.

Publicado porUnited Nations ESCAP
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autora
Región / PaísEast Asia and Pacific

This report highlights opportunities for the private sector in Digital Climate Advisory Services (DCAS), including how to implement financially sustainable business models and recommendations for business. DCMS offer a huge opportunity to increase the productivity and resilience of smallholders and support sustainable food systems. 

Publicado porWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autora