Every month we present the most significant publications.

Cada mes presentamos las publicaciones más destacadas.


Esta base de datos contiene un amplio abanico de más de 2 000 publicaciones sobre negocios inclusivos y temas relacionados, como inversión de impacto, microfinanzas y enfoques de sistemas de mercado. Encontrará no solo informes, sino también investigación de mercado, estudios de caso, herramientas y vídeos que abordan diferentes sectores y regiones.

El amplio abanico de publicaciones en esta base de datos está relacionado con los negocios inclusivos, esto es, modelos de negocio que integran a los consumidores y consumidoras, proveedores, emprendedores y emprendedoras y/o empleados y empleadas situados en la base de la pirámide (BdP) en mercados con bajos niveles de ingresos y/o emergentes.


Idioma de publicación

Database: Publications

Mostrando 1 - 9 de 9

The devastating impacts of climate change, rising inequalities within and across countries, increasing fragility and global health emergencies demand a rethinking of socio-economic practices and systems that follow the economic growth paradigm. The world faces profound economic, environmental, and social challenges, as the international community comes to realize that the basic requirements and consumption needs of an ever-growing population cannot be sustainably met by simply maximizing economic output.

In this podcast series, Alissa Stein invites to discuss concepts of economic transformation currently hotly debated. The podcast provides different perspectives from renown experts and practitioners around the world.

Publicado porGIZ
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Autor o autora
Región / PaísGlobal

Most impact investors report meeting or exceeding their impact performance metrics, but is this truly the case? Maoz (Michael) Brown, head of research at the Wharton Social Impact Initiative, collaborated with Wharton PhD candidate Lauren Kaufmann on a study that reveals it is common practice for impact investors to report metrics primarily to market their success, rather than to evaluate and understand where their impact may fall short.

Publicado porWharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraL. Kaufmann, M. Brown
Región / PaísGlobal

This report summarises survey results on the engagement of business in international development. The sample for the study included interviews with 25 company executives, 10 NGO executives, six journalists and four investment analysts.

Publicado por
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraA. Hodges, A. Ruder, C. Deri, J. Nelson, M. Schneider
Región / PaísGlobal

DCED members note that many multi-stakeholder platforms have been established in recent years, to facilitate collaboration between development actors and business. They have therefore requested a review of experience gained. What are the objectives, achievements and roles of some of these platforms? This paper reports the findings of a literature survey, a review of 29 platform websites, and 17 semi-structured interviews with staff of donor agencies, platforms and business.

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Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraD. Loveridge, N. Wilson
Región / PaísGlobal

This interview with the Co-Founders of Water.org explores practical ways to solve the global water and sanitation crisis; it reviews how microloans help water flow, and discusses ending water scarcity.

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Autor o autoraG. White, M. Damon
Región / PaísGlobal

This interview with Chief Executive Officer, Krista Donaldson, explores the non-profit D-Rev “Design Revolution” which was founded with the objective of designing and delivering medical products to people living on less than $4 a day. It elaborates on the organisation's evolution, products, and ambitions.

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Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraK. Donaldson, R. Kirkland
Región / PaísGlobal

This interview with Dr. Andrew Kuper, the founder of LeapFrog Investments, discusses perspectives on businesses that pursue both profit and purpose, and the growth of investing in profit-with-purpose business.

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Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraDr. A. Kuper
Región / PaísGlobal

This report documents an interview with Ruban Selvanayagam from Fez Tá Pronto Construction System in Brazil, a real estate development model that is focused on serving people at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) with affordable and high quality housing. It discusses the dysfunctional mainstream housing market dynamics, and the current practical challenges that face the scheme.

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Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraC. Knobloch, J. Schmidt, T. Leopold
Región / PaísGlobal, Latin America and the Caribbean

This article is an interview with managers of Unilever discussing the processes that led the company to develop and implement a corporate sustainability strategy working with multiple stakeholders. Major learning points include; interactions with stakeholders are crucial to secure strategic resources in developing countries, developing multi-stakeholder platforms must be rooted in the corporate culture and based on principles of innovation, the overarching sustainability strategy, Sustainable Living Plan, launched in 2010, set broad objectives, while empowering local and regional managers- and even individual employees-to start and scale bottom-up initiatives if they find consensus within the organization.

Publicado por
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraA. Mauser, B. Torn, D. Dentoni, J.K. Vis, M. Veldhuizen