Climate action and social impact

How Inclusive Business can contribute and help build resilient communities


Learn more about Inclusive Business at the intersection between climate action and social impact by reading this eighteenth edition of the online magazine on Inclusive Business! The illustration was developed by Christopher Malapitan, a visual practitioner and trainer based in Brussels. Through the use of visual storytelling methods he empowers individuals and organizations to “see” what they mean.

Inclusive Business Action Network
The Inclusive Business Action Network (iBAN) is a global initiative supporting the scaling and replication of inclusive business models. Through its strategic pillars iBAN blue and iBAN weave, iBAN manages an innovative online knowledge platform on inclusive business (inclusivebusiness.net) and offers a focused Capacity Development Programme for selected companies and policymakers in developing and emerging countries. iBAN creates a space where evidence-based knowledge transforms into learning and new partnerships. With its focus on promoting the scale-up of inclusive business models, thereby improving the lives of the poor, iBAN is actively contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. iBAN is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Union. It is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.


Let’s learn from local communities and step up more to create climate and social impact!

In her editorial, Susann Tischendorf discusses how we can all be inspired by local communities and inclusive business initiatives to play a role in mitigating climate change while creating social impact.

Susann Tischendorf

Table of contents

graphic summary


Learn more about Inclusive Business at the intersection between climate action and social impact by reading this eighteenth edition of the online magazine on Inclusive Business! The illustration was developed by Christopher Malapitan, a…

Christopher Malapitan


Let’s learn from local communities and step up more to create climate and social impact!

In her editorial, Susann Tischendorf discusses how we can all be inspired by local communities and inclusive business initiatives to play a role in mitigating climate change while creating social impact.

Susann Tischendorf

feature story

Climate action and social impact: How Inclusive Business can contribute and help build resilient communities

Climate threats are already altering the world as we know it. While the globe is reaching a tipping point, it is often vulnerable communities in developing countries that face the highest level of climate risk. Inclusive business approaches can play a pivotal role in both addressing climate change and creating a positive impact on low-income communities. This issue of CLUED-iN focuses on the intersection between climate action and social impact.

Alexandra Harris

Building resilience through climate-smart technologies for rice farmers in Thailand

Santikorn Pakdeesettakul and Tobias Breunig of the Thai Rice NAMA project explain how introducing climate-smart technologies to rice farmers in Thailand also improves the livelihoods and resilience of farmers.

Realizing a climate neutral and inclusive cacao business in the Philippines

In this interview, Simon Bakker explains how the inclusive cacao business Kennemer Foods has become climate neutral. He shares how climate finance can help inclusive businesses achieve financial sustainability while achieving their sustainability goals.

Integrated tourism in Guyana: Providing livelihoods and protecting nature

Surama Eco-Lodge in Guyana is a community based business developed, owned, and managed by Surama village, an Indigenous community. In her interview, manager Jackie Allicock tells us why integrated tourism is key to maintaining standing forests and providing employment and education for local communities.

Transforming waste into value: Engaging waste pickers in Zambia to reduce plastic waste and emissions

Girish Sharma is the CEO of a waste-to-value company in Zambia that recycles plastic bottles into packaging. He explains how his initiative supports the reduction of carbon emissions and how government could support the circular economy.

Integrating local communities in adaptation and resilience planning

Alex Basaraba, a climate adaptation specialist, discusses the need for adaptation planning. He describes how Adaptation International works with local communities to identify key resources and potential solutions to increase resilience.

Adaptation planning in action: The example of Corte Madera, California

Facing the dual risks of sea level rise and wildfire, the Town of Corte Madera decided to take action. Adam Wolff explains how it generated local strategies and feasible implementation measures to address climate change.

Zero waste innovations: The “wala usik” model in the Philippines

“Wala usik” means “nothing wasted” in the Hiligaynon and Bisaya languages. Dave Albao tells us how this local tradition enabled the PRRCI team to introduce new zero waste approaches in local convenience stores.

Financing the clean energy transition in India

In India, micro and small enterprises often lack financing support to transition to renewable energy. Ameya Bijoor elaborates on how Encourage Capital provided new financing solutions to help scale the clean energy transition.

Improving livelihoods through solar solutions in rural India

Most of rural India has been connected to the power grid, but often the energy supply remains unstable. Off-grid solar solutions improve living conditions and benefit the environment, argues Tushar Devidayal, CEO of Devidayal Solar Solutions.