IB Choice

Every month we present the most significant publications.

IB Choice is a curated library of topical publications carefully selected by IB experts. This collection complements the publications database by helping users navigate an abundance of available publications. Each publication highlighted in this collection distills key recommendations, as well as insights into the relevance of the material for inclusive business. Users can search entries by topic, region and country to enable them to find highly targeted and specific information pertinent to their needs and interests. 

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Ce rapport présente des études de cas et des enseignements provenant de sept pays asiatiques, qui portent sur cinq domaines ayant trait au financement innovant du développement. Un tel financement innovant du développement offrirait aux entreprises inclusives une nouvelle source de fonds.

This report provides case studies and lessons learned from seven Asian countries in five areas of innovative financing for development. Such innovative financing for development would benefit inclusive businesses as a new source of funding.

En Better Business Better World se analizan las oportunidades de mercado que conlleva la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), centrándose especialmente en los cuatro sectores de la alimentación y la agricultura, las ciudades, la energía y los materiales, y la salud y el bienestar. A continuación se presentan las principales conclusiones del informe.

Better Business Better World analyses the market opportunities that come with achieving the SDGs, focussing particularly on the four sectors food and agriculture, cities, energy and materials, and health and well-being. Here are key insights from the report.
