IB Choice

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IB Choice is a curated library of topical publications carefully selected by IB experts. This collection complements the publications database by helping users navigate an abundance of available publications. Each publication highlighted in this collection distills key recommendations, as well as insights into the relevance of the material for inclusive business. Users can search entries by topic, region and country to enable them to find highly targeted and specific information pertinent to their needs and interests. 

Displaying 1 - 12 of 18

This survey shows how inclusive business practice and initiatives have increased over the past three years, particularly in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and among large national companies, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

La empresa de capital de riesgo Village Capital y sus asociados están apoyando a las empresas de nueva creación de fintech en el África subsahariana, y en el presente informe se presenta su cohorte de 2018 de 12 empresas de nueva creación que están ayudando a los agricultores, las pequeñas empresas, las cooperativas y los hogares a obtener un mayor y mejor acceso a los servicios financieros móviles.

La société de capital-risque Village Capital et ses partenaires soutiennent les jeunes pousses de fintech en ASS. Ce rapport présente la cohorte 2018 de 12 jeunes pousses qui aident les agriculteurs, les petites entreprises, les coopératives et les ménages à accéder plus facilement et plus largement aux services financiers mobiles.

Venture capital firm Village Capital and its partners are supporting early-stage fintech startups in SSA, and this report features its 2018 cohort of 12 startups that are helping farmers, small businesses, cooperatives, and households gain greater and better access to mobile financial services.

Cet État des lieux du marché de l’investissement à impact a été élaboré par l’initiative Principes pour l’investissement responsable (PRI) afin d’aider les entreprises à aller au-delà des traditionnels rapports sur les questions environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG) en mesurant l’impact sociétal des stratégies et des investissements des entreprises par rapport aux ODD.

This Impact Investing Market Map was developed by the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) to help businesses move beyond the traditional environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting to measuring societal impact of business strategies and investments according to the SDGs.

This article summarizes main insights from "Integrating the SDGs into corporate reporting: A practical guide". The publication outlines a process of ‘principled prioritization’ aimed at helping companies to identify and prioritize their SDG targets, take action and report on their progress.

El comercio inclusivo está atrayendo un interés cada vez mayor en el Foro de Cooperación Económica de Asia y el Pacífico (APEC), ya que sus economías miembros apuntan a un crecimiento más inclusivo y sostenible, y las empresas buscan nuevos modelos comerciales que sean a la vez comercialmente viables y socialmente pertinentes. En el presente artículo se resumen las recomendaciones para que las empresas pasen de la tradicional responsabilidad social empresarial a los negocios inclusivos.

Les entreprises inclusives suscitent un intérêt croissant dans le cadre de la Coopération économique Asie-Pacifique (APEC), car ses économies membres visent une croissance plus inclusive et durable, et les entreprises recherchent de nouveaux modèles commerciaux qui soient à la fois commercialement viables et socialement pertinents. Cet article résume les recommandations aux entreprises pour qu'elles passent de la responsabilité sociale traditionnelle à l'entreprise inclusive.

Inclusive business is attracting increasing interest in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), as its member economies target more inclusive and sustainable growth, and companies seek new business models that are both commercially viable and socially relevant. This articles summarises recommendations for companies to move forward from traditional corporate social responsibility to inclusive business.

The Model Agreement for Responsible Contract Farming is a simple and practical legal tool to support the implementation of global principles and guidelines and make responsible investment a reality. This article summarizes the main insights and recommendations from the guide to leverage the insights for practitioners.

En el informe de la GRI se identifican cuatro esferas en las que las empresas pueden contribuir a poner fin a la pobreza: en el lugar de trabajo (por ejemplo, salarios y condiciones de trabajo justos), en la cadena de suministro (por ejemplo, la promoción de los derechos laborales), en el mercado (por ejemplo, productos y servicios inclusivos) y en el entorno operativo externo (por ejemplo, el pago transparente de impuestos y la inversión de impacto).
