Inclusive Business Hub team

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Gateway Updates: Plenty of new resources on impact and results

3. Feb 2011

The Resource Gateway has been updated with several resources on impact and results measurement. Visit to see:

  1. The Impact Reporting & Investment Standards (IRIS) Framework: A comprehensive set of indicators that can be used by companies or by Impact Investors, with the aim of providing some standardised metrics, and over time some benchmarks of performance.
  2. The Business Call to Action (BCtA) Results Reporting Framework: A short and simple results reporting framework BCtA has created in consultation with and for BCtA member companies. The reporting framework enables companies to select a few key indicators that cover both business and development outcomes and to report on these through the on-line tool available to BCtA members.
  3. (Re)valuing public-private alliances: An outcomes-based solution: A recent report published by USAID and Mission Measurement that focuses on measuring partnership value. Arguing that existing measurement creates accountability (or compliance) but neither captures real value or informs strategy, it recommends a strategic focus on outcomes, or contributions to ‘near-term change’’ that mark progress towards long-term mission.
  4. Outcome Mapping Learning Community Newsletter: A useful summary of the outcome mapping approach which emphasises the need to assess big outcomes to which many change-makers contribute (such as changes in healthy behaviour), rather than the usual focus on measuring outputs that can be directly attributed to the business or project (such as numbers of vaccines delivered).

And last but not least…