The economic value of the willingness to pay for a community-based prepayment scheme in rural Cameroon
While limited access to health care in rural areas of Cameroon may be attributed to an inability to pay out-of-pocket costs for health care services, a Community-based prepayment scheme specifically designed to overcome this barrier and increase access to health care has received limited take-up among rural households in Cameroon. Research Paper #3, led by researchers at the University of Yaoundé II and the University of Western Cape, seeks to assess the economic value of a community-based prepayment health care system in Cameroon. The researchers use a willingness-to-pay approach based on the contingent valuation method. The results indicate that rural households are willing to pay on average FCFA 1010 or $2.15/person/month and further suggest that there is great demand for a community health care prepayment scheme in rural Cameroon.