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Publication database

This database contains a diverse range of more than 2,000 publications about inclusive business and relating topics, such as impact investing, microfinance and market systems approaches. You will find not only reports but also market intelligence, case studies, tools and videos that touch upon of several sectors and regions.

The diverse range of publications in this database all relate to inclusive business - meaning business models that engage base of the pyramid (BoP) consumers, suppliers, entrepreneurs and/or employees in low income and/or emerging markets.


Publication language

Database: Publications

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Government, NGO, and business leaders typically see great promise for digital tools to empower smallholder value chains and make them more efficient and profitable for farmers. However, new technologies only reach scale when they are delivered within a functioning business model. By observing the full range of solutions that have been developed across the ASEAN region, Grow Asia sees startups migrating to five business models which seem to show the greatest potential in reaching smallholder farmers at scale. This report provides an overview of those five business models, namely Digital Advisory, Peer-to-Peer Lending, Traceability, Digital Marketplaces and Mechanization Platforms, and why they show the greatest promise.

PublisherGrow Asia
Publish Date
AuthorP. Voutier
Region/CountrySouth Asia
IB Topics: Digitalisation

The report takes customer-led view of the impact of the off-grid energy sector, as well as the relative performance of the sub-sectors within it.

Publisher60 Decibels
Publish Date
AuthorK. Harrison, S. Dichter, S. Khan, T. Adams
Region/CountrySouth Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa