Every month we present the most significant publications.

Cada mes presentamos las publicaciones más destacadas.


Esta base de datos contiene un amplio abanico de más de 2 000 publicaciones sobre negocios inclusivos y temas relacionados, como inversión de impacto, microfinanzas y enfoques de sistemas de mercado. Encontrará no solo informes, sino también investigación de mercado, estudios de caso, herramientas y vídeos que abordan diferentes sectores y regiones.

El amplio abanico de publicaciones en esta base de datos está relacionado con los negocios inclusivos, esto es, modelos de negocio que integran a los consumidores y consumidoras, proveedores, emprendedores y emprendedoras y/o empleados y empleadas situados en la base de la pirámide (BdP) en mercados con bajos niveles de ingresos y/o emergentes.


Idioma de publicación

Database: Publications

Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5

The Impact investing market map, provides three basic but crucial benefits to the impact investing industry: (1) a common definition of a thematic investment that is aligned with at least one international organisation, global market leader and/or data provider; (2) basic criteria that explain a theme in practical terms, including thematic and financial conditions to identify specific businesses and investments aligned with the definition provided;  (3) a list of KPIs used by the impact investing community to track and assess the environmental and social performance of a specific theme.

Publicado porPrinciples for Responsible Investing (PRI)
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraK. A. Morriesen

Bringing essential services to the poor, whether in remote rural areas, provincial towns, or in the slums of megacities, is a great challenge for governments in developing countries. Endeva has supported the World Bank’s Innovation Unit to systematically assess innovative business models that provide products and services to the poor, thus better understanding how to raise awareness of problems and solutions, designing products that address their needs, and making these products available and affordable.

Publicado porEndeva, The World Bank Group
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraA. Menden (née Krämer), A. Schmidt, C. Knobloch, C. Pirzer, C. Tewes-Gradl, I. von Blomberg, J. Tulloch, T. Pasipanodya

This report provides an overview of the role of the private sector in educational service delivery at the primary and secondary levels across countries in South Asia. It examines the learning quality associated with this engagement, as measured by student test scores.

Publicado por
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraM. Dahal, Q. Nguyen
Región / PaísEast Asia and Pacific

This study provides a detailed comparative analysis of pupils attending low-cost private schools 'Bridge International Academies' and schools in the neighbourhood in Kenya. It examines the assessment history, key demographic characteristics, and baseline test scores of pupils in Pre-Unit to Class 2 in 2011 to pupils in Classes 2 through 4 in 2013.

Publicado por
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autora
Región / PaísSub-Saharan Africa

This report reviews how affordable private schools 'APS' try to strike a balance between education quality and fees charged. It outlines the strong correlation found between the fees that APS charge and the student learning outcome and it presents some of the performance indicators of the APS sector such as student learning outcome, teaching quality, financial performance, enrolment, fees and facilities based on the assessment data.

Publicado por
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraR. Jain
Región / PaísGlobal