Outils et formations pour innover dans l'entreprise inclusive

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Vous trouverez, ici, des ressources d’autoapprentissage proposées par iBAN et par ses partenaires sur des thèmes liés à l’entreprise inclusive. Elles sont basées sur les travaux de recherche les plus récents et soigneusement sélectionnées pour répondre aux besoins de vos entreprises.

La plupart des entrĂ©es sont disponibles uniquement en anglais. Quand vous ouvrez une entrĂ©e anglaise, la site reverte Ă  la version anglaise. 

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Affiche 1 à 3 sur 3 résultats



Inclusive Business Management Practices Tool

The toolkit looks at the constraints within multinational corporations (MNCs) that are preventing the uptake and internalisation of inclusive business models. It considers the internal barriers to scale and the specific management practices that MNCs adopt or develop for their inclusive business.




Inclusive Business and Human Rights

This masterclass and the related toolkits focus on the promotion of human rights. Learn how a solid human rights strategy can positively impact your competitiveness, reputation, and ability to secure and retain investment.




Gender Equality Mainstreaming (GEM) Framework

The GEM self-assessment measures a company’s performance on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) components. Designed for companies to complete themselves, the self-assessment builds upon the ESG investment standard by mainstreaming gender across a range of ESG criteria. The self-assessment is made up of three surveys, with each survey asking gender-specific questions about one of the ESG components. The GEM self-assessment assists businesses to identify these types of value creation opportunities that can improve a company’s standing among its competitors.

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Type de formation

