Base de données d'investisseurs et d'assistance technique

Cette base de données est destinée aux entreprises qui recherchent une assistance technique et/ou financière. Elle établit la liste des organisations et des initiatives qui apportent différents types d’aide, par exemple du capital sous forme de subventions, de prêts et d’actions, ou de l’assistance technique sous forme de conseils ou d’aide à la création de partenariats ou de réseaux.

La base de données est disponible uniquement en anglais.


Who is this database for?

This database aims to serve inclusive businesses that are looking for sources of support to help them grow, ranging from capital to technical support.


What does the database cover?

This database lists organizations that provide technical and financial support to inclusive businesses. The database will continue growing as support organizations are registered. Inclusive businesses are diverse, and so too are the range of organizations that provide support and the types of support they offer. The resources listed cover a continuum of financing solutions, from grants and concessional financing to commercial finance and private equity. They also include organizations and initiatives providing technical assistance (TA), advice, partnership brokering, information, advocacy, and networking. The database is easy to navigate and provides useful filters such as the range of financial support provided and the stage of enterprise supported (if such information is available). 

More organizations will be added over time and suggestions are welcome. Other database that we recommend include:

► GET.invest: focused on renewable energy in Africa
► Nexus for Development: focused on Southeast Asia
 The Mix: Database on microfinance services

Why and how was the database developed?

Inclusive business entrepreneurs often face difficulties identifying partners that could provide crucial financial and technical support. Even though such support is available, information about it is often fragmented and hard to find. The database addresses this challenge, making information on financial and technical support easy to identify and navigate by providing easily searchable categories and filters.

The entries and information provided in the database are compiled by the research team using information publicly available on organization websites or provided directly by the organizations themselves. 


Who developed the database?

The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business (now and the Asian Development Bank set up this database to help overcome this challenge. The Connect to Grow programme supported further development of this database in 2016, specifically to include intermediaries in its target countries. In late 2017 and 2018, the DFID Impact Programme funded the most comprehensive review and update of the database yet, which was implemented by Endeva. The Endeva team reviewed the categories and all existing entries, and also added hundreds of entries with the support of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and other partners.

ANDE has just launched a new site of their own that provides data about financial and non-financial support available for small and growing businesses in a specific city or country. ANDE’s Ecosystem Snapshots aim to help those supporting entrepreneurs to foster conditions in which businesses can thrive. 



What can users search for on the database?

You can keep your search for organizations broad by just selecting the finance and/or technical support offering you are looking for or you can narrow down your search by selecting further filters such as type of organization, sector, region/country etc. If you are looking for a specific topic that is not included in the current category list, use the keywords search bar to search the entire database. This will return results on that topic from the whole database.


If users want all entries from Asia, does one need to select all Asian countries, too (or ditto for other continents)?

No. If you would like to see all the material for one continent, for example South Asia, select ‘South Asia’ under the ‘Region/Country’ filter and click on the ‘Apply’ button. This will bring up all intermediaries that provide support in South Asia.



Intermediary Database

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Asie de l’Est et Pacifique

We are a matching grant facility operating in the Lao PDR. We provide matching grants (50%) to companies operating in Laos that are looking to retain the services of third party business development service (BDS) providers to make improvements to their business, and to grow.

Type of OrganisationImpact investment fund/ impact investment fund manager/ impact focused venture capital fund
Region/CountryAsie de l’Est et Pacifique
Finance OfferingGrants and awards
Amount$0 - 20,000, $20,000 - 50,000, $50,000 -150,000
Exact Amountup to US$200,000
Technical Support OfferingOne-to-one advisory support, Consulting Services
Focus TypeLarge companies, Small and growing businesses, Start-ups
Focus StageStart-up, Early Stage, Growth Companies, Mature
MOSS Consultants & Capital
Asie de l’Est et Pacifique, Asie du Sud

MOSS maximizes the socio-ecological impact of social enterprises in emerging markets by making cutting-edge scientific knowledge accessible through practical tools, workshops, and mentorship programs that help tackle the root causes of societal problems.

Type of OrganisationConsultancy
Region/CountryAsie de l’Est et Pacifique, Asie du Sud
Exact Amount
Technical Support OfferingMentoring, Talent Placement, Network-based support, One-to-one advisory support, Consulting Services, Partnership brokering, investment facilitation, networking, Training, and other classroom based support (online/offline)
Focus TypeSmall and growing businesses, Start-ups, NGOs/Non-profits, Investment funds
Focus StageStart-up, Early Stage, Growth Companies, Mature

Asper is a market systems and inclusive business development consultancy providing bespoke research, design and delivery services to private companies, NGOs and Governments in Myanmar. Asper has been operating in Myanmar since 2014. Asper’s vision is to unlock the potential of poor workers, producers and consumers, as well as businesses and governments, to bring about positive and sustainable changes in their behaviors, and to transform market systems. Our mission is to provide client-oriented solutions to shape their strategic plans using innovative, inclusive and evidence based approaches to generate social, financial and environmental return on their investment.

Type of OrganisationConsultancy
Finance OfferingEquity, Not specified
Amount$0 - 20,000
Exact Amount
Technical Support OfferingInformation sharing, resources and publications, One-to-one advisory support, Consulting Services, Partnership brokering, investment facilitation, networking
Focus TypeLarge companies, Small and growing businesses, Start-ups, NGOs/Non-profits, Investment funds
Focus StageStart-up, Early Stage, Growth Companies, Mature