¡Adquiera conocimientos, desarrolle sus capacidades e intercambie conocimientos con sus pares!

Aquí encontrará una selección de recursos de autoaprendizaje de la red iBAN y sus socios sobre temas de negocio inclusivo. Los materiales se basan en las investigaciones más recientes y están cuidadosamente seleccionados para satisfacer las necesidades de sus empresas.

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Online Course

Street Shot of an African young woman working on business holding her tablet in a university in Bamako, Mali

Introduction à l'entreprise inclusive

Cette formation apporte des connaissances de base sur l’entreprise inclusive, sa définition et ses caractéristiques. Il définit également les paramètres des groupes ciblés par l’entreprise inclusive et les conditions de leur implication dans la chaîne de valeur. Il décrit les différents secteurs dans lesquels la base de la pyramide est engagée, identifie différentes approches d’entreprise inclusive et illustre l’écosystème de l’entreprise inclusive. Globalement, il plaide en faveur de l’entreprise inclusive et souligne son impact positif sur les ODD.


Online Course

Street Shot of an African young woman working on business holding her tablet in a university in Bamako, Mali

Introduction to Inclusive Business

This general introductory course imparts basic knowledge on inclusive business, its definition and features. The course also sets the parameters of the IB target groups and how they are involved in the value chain. It outlines the different sectors where the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) is engaged, identifies different inclusive business approaches and illustrates the inclusive business ecosystem. Overall, the intro course makes the case for inclusive business and highlights the positive impact of IB on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Online Course


Access to Impact Investing for Social Enterprises

VIVA Idea and the Social Finance Academy co-created this “How To”-course based on practical experiences and proven concepts from the field. It is wrapped around a signature framework that explains – step by step – how the process of obtaining financing will typically unfold in real life, from getting investment-ready via signing a financing contract, to establishing good investor relations, avoiding mission drift and approaching the next financing (or responsible exit).



What works for smallholders and agribusiness?

What works for smallholders and agribusiness?

This webinar presents findings on the progress of agribusinesses that engage smallholders.




Marketing nutrition for the Base of the Pyramid

This series covers key aspects of the marketing and distribution of nutritious products to Base of the Pyramid markets focusing mostly on marketing nutritious products targeting infants and young children. It shares practical insights gathered from extensive research of models in this space by Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition and consulting firm Hystra.

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