Every month we present the most significant publications.

Cada mes presentamos las publicaciones más destacadas.


Esta base de datos contiene un amplio abanico de más de 2 000 publicaciones sobre negocios inclusivos y temas relacionados, como inversión de impacto, microfinanzas y enfoques de sistemas de mercado. Encontrará no solo informes, sino también investigación de mercado, estudios de caso, herramientas y vídeos que abordan diferentes sectores y regiones.

El amplio abanico de publicaciones en esta base de datos está relacionado con los negocios inclusivos, esto es, modelos de negocio que integran a los consumidores y consumidoras, proveedores, emprendedores y emprendedoras y/o empleados y empleadas situados en la base de la pirámide (BdP) en mercados con bajos niveles de ingresos y/o emergentes.


Idioma de publicación

Tipo de publicación

Database: Publications

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2

The idea of Inclusive Business is taking Africa by storm. The timely publication of a new concise book 'Inclusive business in Africa': A business model aims to take readers on a journey into the subject of Inclusive Business in Africa and shows how companies can be agents of change, contributing to inclusive development and growth. The publication brings together research supported by the Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC), a specialist research centre at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and RSM’s Professor Rob van Tulder. 

Publicado porThe Partnerships Resource Centre, Rotterdam School of Management
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraR. van Tulder, S. Lijfering
Región / PaísMiddle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
Ethiopia, Kenya

An increasing number of poor households are gaining access to financing for physical assets ranging from smartphones to solar panels. However, even as poor people increase their borrowing for these assets, their impact on people’s livelihoods - and how debt affects the benefits of asset ownership - remains poorly understood. CGAP has undertaken a comprehensive review of the available evidence to understand (i) how asset ownership can lead to improvements in well-being for poor households and (ii) whether obtaining an asset through a loan or lease as opposed to a transfer, grant, or outright purchase affects the benefits associated with ownership.

Publicado porThe Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraE. Hernandez, M. Mattern, S. K. Kumaraswamy