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Base de données de publications

Cette base de données contient une série de plus de 2 000 publications variées sur l’entreprise inclusive et sur d’autres thèmes associés tels que l’investissement à impact, la microfinance et les approches des systèmes de marché. Vous y trouverez des rapports, des informations commerciales, des études de cas, des outils et des vidéos sur différents secteurs et régions.

Les multiples publications de cette base de données portent toutes sur l’entreprise inclusive, c’est-à-dire sur des modèles d’affaires visant les consommateur·rice·s, fournisseurs, entrepreneur·e·s et/ou employé·e·s de la base de la pyramide de pays émergents et/ou à faible revenu.

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Type de publication

Database: Publications

Affiche 1 à 4 sur 4 résultats

Project Sage 4.0, a new gender lens report researched by Wharton Social Impact Initiative and consultancy Catalyst at Large, quantifies the size and growth of the gender lens investing field and analyzes the field’s latest trends — including how it intersects with other elements of impact.

ÉditeurCatalyst at Large, Wharton Social Impact Initiative
AuteurM. Brown, S. Biegel, S. Hunt
Région / PaysGlobal

Through in-depth conversations with 21 successful women social entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, this report looks at the varying pathways to success, success factors and challenges that are specific to them, and outlines recommendations for business development services to better respond to the needs of women leading early-stage social enterprises in the region. The report also includes profiles of successful women social entrepreneurs in the region.

ÉditeurValue for Women, ANDE, VISA Foundation, USAID
Région / PaysEast Asia and Pacific, South Asia
Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam

This report puts forward a comprehensive policy strategy for greater gender equality in the ASEAN region’s rural areas. Following an overview of the evidence about the size of the women labour market in rural areas, it provides a discussion of the policies to reduce the barriers that prevent an equal access by men and women to quality jobs and to starting new businesses. To help the sharing of good practices, the discussion benefits the lessons from a series of selected case studies in ASEAN countries about local programmes to overcome gender barriers. The final chapter provides a review of the gendered implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on agriculture and farming in ASEAN countries and the coping strategies taken by ASEAN governments.

AuteurA. Goglio, M. Lee, N. Manalili
Région / PaysEast Asia and Pacific

This report is part of a wider study that aims to understand the impact of gender lens investing on women’s social and economic empowerment. It seeks to build a case for gender lens investing in women-focused enterprises through primary research with over 20 such enterprises and over 150 of their women employees, partners and customers across India, Indonesia, Kenya and Rwanda.

AuteurA. Agarwal, A. Gokhale, A. Makena
Région / PaysEast Asia and Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa