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Base de données de publications

Cette base de données contient une série de plus de 2 000 publications variées sur l’entreprise inclusive et sur d’autres thèmes associés tels que l’investissement à impact, la microfinance et les approches des systèmes de marché. Vous y trouverez des rapports, des informations commerciales, des études de cas, des outils et des vidéos sur différents secteurs et régions.

Les multiples publications de cette base de données portent toutes sur l’entreprise inclusive, c’est-à-dire sur des modèles d’affaires visant les consommateur·rice·s, fournisseurs, entrepreneur·e·s et/ou employé·e·s de la base de la pyramide de pays émergents et/ou à faible revenu.

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Database: Publications

Affiche 1 à 10 sur 12 résultats

This report identifies the value of and support necessary to assist SMEs in scaling up in their local markets across the Middle East and North Africa. It further identifies priority support areas for policymakers including business fundamentals, business propellers, demand creators and country readiness that, when appropriately addressed, can propel local economic growth.

ÉditeurStrategy& Middle East, Endeavor
AuteurA. Klat, M. Makki, M. Rizk
Région / PaysMiddle East and North Africa
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

This brief reviews Endeva's Meet & Multiply matchmaking process. It outlines success factors for and barriers to successful replication. 

ÉditeuriBAN, Endeva
AuteurC. Pirzer, C. Tewes-Gradl, T. Pasipanodya
Région / PaysGlobal

This publications summarises key learning from the Strategic Advisory Service (SAS) programme to support the scaling up of 15 inclusive business (IB) models along the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) value chain in Egypt.

ÉditeuriBAN, Global CAD
AuteurA. Schmidt, F. Casado, R. Elebrashi, S. Friedrich

In earlier work, PPPLab has identified ten ‘ingredients’ or building blocks of scaling strategies. This study looks at success factors for effective scaling processes. It focuses on how to shape the process: process dynamics, leadership, and the ability to act and relate, rather than on ‘what’ to address and achieve. What are the essential capabilities of those that lead the scaling process? How to make use of system dynamics in your scaling effort? How to partner in the most effective way to make scale happen?

ÉditeurPPPLab Food & Water
AuteurF. Jacobs, J. Ubels
Région / PaysGlobal

The road to scaled impact is a nonlinear, complicated journey. Along the way, organizations have to overcome many challenges and roadblocks. The Scaling Pathways Theme Studies series dives into five topics, bringing to light lessons learned by successful social enterprises who have navigated challenges on the road to scaled impact. This document lays out key strategies and advice for ventures that are exploring, or already engaging in, government partnerships. 

ÉditeurInnovation Investment Alliance, Skoll Foundation, and CASE at Duke
AuteurE. Martin, E. Worsham, K. Langsam
Région / PaysGlobal

This report looks at the long-term track record of 71 developing economies to identify the outperformers—and finds two key factors that help explain their outperformance: a pro-growth policy agenda of productivity, income, and demand that has driven exceptional economic growth, and the underappreciated but nonetheless standout role that large companies have played in driving that growth.

ÉditeurMcKinsey & Company
AuteurA. Madgavkar, J. Manyika, J. Seong, J. Woetzel, K. Sneader
Région / PaysGlobal

The road to scaled impact is a nonlinear, complicated journey. Along the way, organizations have to overcome many challenges and roadblocks. The Scaling Pathways Theme Studies series dives into five topics, bringing to light lessons learned by successful social enterprises who have navigated challenges on the road to scaled impact. This document explores which financing strategies best support social enterprises' plan for impact at scale.

ÉditeurInnovation Investment Alliance, Skoll Foundation, and CASE at Duke
AuteurC. Clark, E. Martin, E. Worsham, K. Langsam
Région / PaysGlobal

The global community has spoken loud and clear: more resources must be mobilised to end extreme poverty and mitigate the effects of climate change. Blended finance - an approach to mix different forms of capital in support of development - is emerging as an important solution to help raise resources for the Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries. But scaling up blended finance without a good understanding of its risks could have unintended consequences for development co-operation providers. This report presents a comprehensive assessment of the state and priorities for blended finance as it is being used to support sustainable development in developing countries. It describes concepts and definitions, presents an overview of actors and instruments, and discusses lessons learned from blending approaches, tracking and data, and monitoring and evaluation

Région / PaysGlobal

This toolkit contains digital tools that are currently used by USAID Missions and implementers; and resources for those attempting to implement digital tools. This toolkit also includes work planning and procurement considerations, including how to encourage implementing partners to explore digital tools and when prizes and challenges can crowdsource innovative solutions to well-defined development problems.

ÉditeurDigital Development for Feed the Future (D2FTF)

The Blended Finance Taskforce and KOIS Invest released a paper about blended finance for sustainable land-use (SLU), analysing how blended finance can mitigate risks and enhance returns for investors in this sector. SLU seeks to protect the climate by reducing carbon emissions and preserving carbon sinks. Private investment in SLU is not however at the scale needed to tackle the problem. According to KOIS, there needs to be a paradigm shift in the way in which (i) private sector investors view investment opportunities in SLU and how (ii) public and philanthropic investors engage to catalyse private capital in SDGs.

ÉditeurBusiness & Sustainable Development Commission (Blended Finance Taskforce), KOIS Invest
AuteurB. Limketkai, P. Vandeputte, S. Guarnaschelli
Région / PaysGlobal