Good Brothers' Co., Ltd

South Asia
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Good Brothers has a business model engaging low and middle-income farmers and poor customers – a potential inclusive business model. Good Brothers is a group of companies aiming to provide full agriculture services to farmers. The company and its subsidiaries are self-financed and also rely on loans from local banks. It ranked 106 of 1,000 companies on the list of the highest taxpayers in the tax years 2014 to 2015.

Inclusive Business Model

Good Brothers Microfinance provides agricultural loans to 15,000 low-income farmers mainly through group lending while de-risking the farmer’s seasonal exposure by introducing loan repayments after harvesting and waiving charges such as an application and documentation fees for the poor. Good Brothers Chemicals sells fertilizers and farm inputs through cash sales and instalments and maintains demonstration farms for training. Good Brothers Agricultural Services serves about 8,000 low and middle-income paddy farmers with an overall land size of about 40,000 acres by providing services on payback or advance payments for soil preparation, cultivation, harvesting, 
production inputs, agricultural loans, and paddy-buy-back options. Farmers can rent machinery and equipment as well. It also operates a rice mill that processes for export. The mill also stores rice from farmers in exchange for service fees or buys the rice from farmers to minimise the risk of price fluctuations. The company is currently exploring whether to introduce a marking or point system as a business line that would cover those services.