Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa has a great potential for inclusive business models and the region is gaining more and more attention. National governments are increasingly recognizing the potential of inclusive business to reduce poverty and strengthen the economy, The African Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECD) has been implemented in 2008 in order to ease access to finance for African businesses. Since then, the fund has steadily increased and is now with USD 250m one of the largest challenge funds in Africa. AECF awards grants and repayable grants to businesses, which are not only profitable but also have social impact.
- Rwanda
In 2000, Rwanda adopted the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) Vision 2025. It embraced legal and institutional reforms which have brought about many changes in the Rwandan economic and social environment. Some initiatives aimed at achieving economic gains with social benefit.
There is no specific authority or institution in charge of social and inclusive entrepreneurship in Rwanda. This competence is shared among other institutions between the following ministries: Ministry of Trade, Industry and East African Community Affairs (MINEACOM), Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF), Ministry of Youth (MINIYOUTH).
No legal or policy framework specifically dedicated to IB has been adopted yet. However, a number of other relevant policies aim at strengthening an ecosystem and support the same objectives as those of IB: inclusion of the BoP populations (including women), green economy, inclusive job creation, poverty alleviation, etc. For example, in 2016 Rwanda participated in the development of the East Africa Development Cooperation Roadmap 2016-2021 which supports social start-ups and incorporates the BoP into the value chains of large companies. Furthermore, favorable tax and procurement incentives were established for local MSMEs.
Though there is no national advocacy network for IB in Rwanda, the regional network EASEN (the East Africa Social Enterprise Network), committed to the development of the social entrepreneurship sector in East Africa (in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan), acts as an intermediary between the national policy makers in order to improve the ecosystem of target enterprises.
- Uganda
In 2016, Uganda adopted the Poverty Reduction Strategy. Emphasis has been put on promoting local social enterprises.
No legal or policy framework has been specifically dedicated to IB. However, social enterprises that have been established in Uganda concentrate on including the BoP (women, migrants, elderly) into value chains.
In 2016, Uganda participated in the development of the East Africa Development Cooperation Roadmap 2016-2021, which supports social start-ups and the incorporation of the BoP into the value chains of large companies. Furthermore, favorable tax and procurement incentives were established for local MSMEs.
Though there is no national advocacy network for IB in Uganda, the regional network EASEN (the East Africa Social Enterprise Network), committed to the development of the social entrepreneurship sector in East Africa (in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan), acts as an intermediary between the national policy makers in order to improve the ecosystem for social enterprises. - Tanzania
In 2017, Tanzania adopted a national poverty strategy with an emphasis on green economy. It embraced legal and institutional reforms which have brought about many changes in the Tanzanian economic and social environment. Some initiatives aimed at achieving economic gains with a social benefit.
No legal or policy framework has been specifically dedicated to IB.
In 2016, Tanzania participated in the development of the East Africa Development Cooperation Roadmap 2016-2021, which supports social start-ups and the incorporation of the BOP into the value chains of large companies. Furthermore, favorable tax and procurement incentives were established for local MSMEs.
Though there is no national advocacy network for IB in Tanzania, the regional network EASEN (the East Africa Social Enterprise Network), committed to the development of the social entrepreneurship sector in East Africa (in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan), acts as an intermediary between the national policy makers in order to improve the ecosystem for social enterprises.
- Kenya
In 2013, the Kenyan Government adopted the ‘’Green Economy Initiative’’. It embraced legal and institutional reforms which have brought about many changes in the Kenyan economic and social environment. Some of them aimed at achieving economic gains with a social benefit.
There is no ministry specifically responsible for the promotion of Inclusive Business or social entrepreneurship. The responsibilities are shared between the Ministry of Commerce and Cooperation and the Ministry of Public Services, Youth and Gender.
The Kenyan government has not implemented any policy frameworks which specifically center on Inclusive Business yet. In 2016, Kenya participated in the development of the East Africa Development Cooperation Roadmap 2016-2021, which supports social start-ups and the incorporation of the BoP into the value chains of large companies. Furthermore, favorable tax and procurement incentives were established for local MSMEs.
There is no network specifically dedicated to Inclusive Business. However, there is a national network called the Social Enterprise Society of Kenya, which is involved in improving the framework conditions for social entrepreneurship in Kenya.
Additionally, Kenya is part of the Network EASEN. The regional network EASEN (the East Africa Social Enterprise Network), committed to the development of the social entrepreneurship sector in East Africa (in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan), acts as an intermediary between the national policy makers in order to improve the ecosystem for social enterprises.
- South Africa
In 1997, South Africa adopted the White Paper on the Social Economy. It embraced legal and institutional reforms which have brought about many changes in the South African economic and social environment. Some initiatives aimed at achieving economic gains with a social benefit.
The responsibilities for the promotion of Inclusive Business and social entrepreneurship are shared between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
No legal or policy framework specifically dedicated to IB has been adopted yet. However, a number of other relevant policies aim at strengthening the ecosystem and support the same objectives as those of IB: inclusion of the BoP populations (including women), green economy, inclusive job creation, poverty alleviation, etc. In 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development presented its Draft Green Paper on the Social Economy, which defines social entrepreneurship.
Currently, there is no active network which is involved in the promotion of Inclusive Business.
While there is no legal framework specifically targeted towards Inclusive Business in South Africa, there has been a strong promotion of social entrepreneurship. A national communication strategy has been implemented in order to popularize social enterprises. This has been accompanied by a ‘’Social Enterprise Success Conference,’’ which took place in Durban in 2020.
- Côte d'Ivoire
In 2019, the Ivorian Government published a social program which embraced legal and institutional reforms. These reforms have brought about many changes in the Ivorian economic and social environment. Some initiatives aimed at achieving economic gains with a social benefit.
The responsibilities for Inclusive Business and social entrepreneurship are shared between the following ministries: Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Women and Children, Ministry of Youth Promotion and Youth Employment, Ministry of Digital Economy and Post, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Solidarity and Poverty Reduction, Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, and Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Artisans.
A national network, the Réseau Ivorien de la Société Sociale at Solidaire (RIESS), has been established to promote social entrepreneurship and connect its actors. RIESS is a member of the African Network Social Economy.
Ivory Coast is one of the strongest promoters of Inclusive Business in the region. In 2020, a Social and Inclusive Business Camp took place to further assemble ideas for the national promotion of Inclusive Business.
During the Forum ESS 2020, a framework concerning social enterprises has been developed and is currently in construction. Additionally, research has been done in 2019 by the Ivorian Center of Social and Economic Research (CIRES) concerning Inclusive Business.
While there has not been a policy implemented yet which specifically targets the promotion of IB, there has been a variety of programmes which specifically target the BoP (including women and other vulnerable groups) as well as national funds for the BoP to engage in social enterprises.
- Senegal
In 2020, the Ministry of Microfinance, Social Economy and Solidarity published a national action plan which concentrated on sustainable economic development. It embraced legal and institutional reforms, which have brought about many changes in the Senegalese economic and social environment. Some initiatives aimed at achieving economic gains with social benefits.
A specific ministry has been established to further institutionalize social entrepreneurship: the Ministry of Microfinance, Social Economy and Solidarity. While it is the main institution promoting social entrepreneurship, this task is also shared with the Ministry of Women, Family and Gender as well as the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises.
While Inclusive Business has not been specifically promoted, there have been strong efforts in promoting Social Entrepreneurship.
While there is no legal framework highlighting Inclusive Businesses, there have been a variety of policies which specifically target the BoP (including women). A national network (RACTES) has been developed for relevant actors which are involved in social entrepreneurship.
- Mali
In 2019, Mali adopted the Sustainable Economic Development Plan. It embraces legal and institutional reforms which have brought about many changes in the Malian economic and social environment. Some initiatives aimed at achieving economic gains with a social benefit.While the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Solidarity was appointed to further institutionalize social entrepreneurship, the following ministries share in the responsibility: the Ministry of Private Investment Promotion, Small and Medium Enterprises and National Entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Solidarity and Poverty Reduction, and the Ministry of the Promotion for Women, Children and the Family.
While there is currently no inclusive business network, the National Network for the Promotion of Social Economy (RENAPESS) is advocating for a legal framework supporting social entrepreneurship. It organizes a biannual conference on strategies to promote a social economy.
- Morocco
In 2010, the Ministry of Social Economy and Solidarity adopted its national strategy for a social and solidaric economy 2010-20. In addition, it has published several plans for the regional development of a social and solidaric economy (PDRESS). These policies embraced legal and institutional reforms which have brought about many changes in the Moroccan economic and social environment. Some initiatives aimed at achieving economic gains with a social benefit.
While the ministry mentioned above has been appointed to promote the social economy and social entrepreneurship, three other ministries share into this responsibility: the Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development, the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development, and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Green and Digital Economy.
Though there is no network in Morocco which is specifically dedicated to Inclusive Business, there are networks promoting social entrepreneurship. The Moroccan Center of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, for example, investigates ways to solve social issues through entrepreneurship.
There is no institutional definition of Inclusive Business in Morocco. Also, there is no legal framework specifically targeting IB.
Morocco has, however, progressed on the promotion of social entrepreneurship. The term itself has been legally acknowledged. Additionally, central and regional registers have been established to give social entrepreneurs a legal framework. Also, a variety of events have been held for the promotion of social entrepreneurship, including the Moroccan Summit of Social Entrepreneurship in 2018.