Every month we present the most significant publications.

Cada mes presentamos las publicaciones más destacadas.


Esta base de datos contiene un amplio abanico de más de 2 000 publicaciones sobre negocios inclusivos y temas relacionados, como inversión de impacto, microfinanzas y enfoques de sistemas de mercado. Encontrará no solo informes, sino también investigación de mercado, estudios de caso, herramientas y vídeos que abordan diferentes sectores y regiones.

El amplio abanico de publicaciones en esta base de datos está relacionado con los negocios inclusivos, esto es, modelos de negocio que integran a los consumidores y consumidoras, proveedores, emprendedores y emprendedoras y/o empleados y empleadas situados en la base de la pirámide (BdP) en mercados con bajos niveles de ingresos y/o emergentes.


Idioma de publicación

Database: Publications

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 176

Based on an analysis of the CGAP’s data from national surveys of smallholder households and smallholder diaries, this paper outlines the profile and needs of smallholder families and their various subgroups. Firstly, the paper looks at the relationship between financial activities and the different livelihood strategies employed by smallholder families. Further, it highlights the characteristics and behaviors that are common to large groups of smallholders, discusses how the overall market can be segmented most effectively, and presents a nuanced picture of the different types of smallholder households. Finally, the paper discusses opportunities available for various stakeholders serving smallholder families.

Publicado porConsultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), Nathan Associates
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraE. P. Neumann, H. Miller, K. Hamilton, K. Hughes, P. Priya, R. Karuppusamy, R. Tamara, V. Thangavel
Región / PaísGlobal, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Bangladesh, Côte d'Ivoire, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda

An increasing number of poor households are gaining access to financing for physical assets ranging from smartphones to solar panels. However, even as poor people increase their borrowing for these assets, their impact on people’s livelihoods - and how debt affects the benefits of asset ownership - remains poorly understood. CGAP has undertaken a comprehensive review of the available evidence to understand (i) how asset ownership can lead to improvements in well-being for poor households and (ii) whether obtaining an asset through a loan or lease as opposed to a transfer, grant, or outright purchase affects the benefits associated with ownership.

Publicado porThe Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraE. Hernandez, M. Mattern, S. K. Kumaraswamy

This white paper seeks to articulate the impacts of connectivity and propose a framework of financial, social and economic key performance indicators for the last-mile connectivity (LMC) sector, in order to ultimately drive investments in the sector. The purpose of the framework is to illuminate impact pathways that link investments in LMC enterprises to positive development outcomes.

Publicado porUSAID, FHI 360, mstar, Intellecap
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraH. Skelly, M. Prasad

Fintech in Africa is evolving quickly. Today, there are hundreds of fintech startups across the continent – but how has the sector changed in recent years? This report takes a look at the next generation of fintech in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Publicado porVillage Capital, PayPal
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraA. Ashebir, A. Burns, L. Kefela
Región / PaísSub-Saharan Africa

CGAP set out to examine pathways to inclusive payment ecosystems in two Sub-Saharan African countries, Tanzania and Ghana, to learn from their experiences. While this analysis could have highlighted the experiences of any number of countries that have succeeded in developing inclusive payment ecosystems, the Tanzanian and Ghanaian experiences hold unique and complementary lessons.

Publicado porThe Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraC. McKay, M. Mattern
Región / PaísGlobal
Ghana, Tanzania

What lies behind a successful customer-centric organization? This case study looks at the process by which customer centricity has evolved and has been shaped over time within AMK, a Cambodian microfinance institution (MFI). It shows the crucial role that leadership and upper management play in building and sustaining a customer-centric culture and practice. 

Publicado porThe Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraA. Koning, A. Simanowitz, G. Coetzee, J. Venkatesan
Región / PaísEast Asia and Pacific, Global

Developing solutions that address ill health can be a triple win for clients, society and financial service providers. Keeping clients and their families healthy makes business sense, but while there is great demand for such solutions, only a few providers have focussed on tackling health challenges. Our latest paper includes case studies and outlines the scope for financial service providers to develop holistic health solutions.

Publicado porThe ILO's Impact Insurance Facility
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraC. Churchill, L. Morgan

Bringing essential services to the poor, whether in remote rural areas, provincial towns, or in the slums of megacities, is a great challenge for governments in developing countries. Endeva has supported the World Bank’s Innovation Unit to systematically assess innovative business models that provide products and services to the poor, thus better understanding how to raise awareness of problems and solutions, designing products that address their needs, and making these products available and affordable.

Publicado porEndeva, The World Bank Group
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraA. Menden (née Krämer), A. Schmidt, C. Knobloch, C. Pirzer, C. Tewes-Gradl, I. von Blomberg, J. Tulloch, T. Pasipanodya

Meeting the mobile money needs of the unbanked in emerging markets is a vast opportunity. However, firms seeking to tap the mobile money opportunity are faced with a landscape of unknowns. How will the mobile money value chain work in practice? What do we know about consumer behavior? To answer some of these questions, and understand how digital payments providers can capture the opportunities while benefiting those without access to financial services, this report looks at the actual financial data of a sample of mobile money providers, all on a blinded basis. 

Publicado porMcKinsey & Company
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraM. Singer, O. White, P. Osafo-Kwaako, Y. Zouaoui
Región / PaísEast Asia and Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper reviews possibilities for, and experience with, credit-linked crop insurance, including different types of insurance and credit arrangements, ranging from insurance sold to individual farmers to meso insurance sold to financial service providers to cover losses suffered by farmer borrowers.

Publicado porThe ILO's Impact Insurance Facility
Fecha de publicación
Autor o autoraP. Hazell, P. Varangis, R. Meyer
Región / PaísGlobal