Eugene Nizeyimana

SSCG Consulting is a global management consulting and professional firm.  We provide diverse multi sector  strategy advisory, management consulting and operation professional services. 

We support a wide range of private businesses and public organisation clients respond to shifting market trends and economic dynamics to capture opportunities and navigate challenges, transform to improve performance, increase value, competitive growth and profitability.

With network of member firms, we have been playing an important role in the UK and African markets facilitating trade and investment, enhancing institutional capabilities, accelerating industrial competitiveness growth, private sector and value chains development.  More

Harnessing Diversity and Inclusive Businesses to Achieve Superior Performance and Growth

Breaking Down Barriers, Success and Resilience in the Face of Adversity
14. Aug 2019

Diversity and Inclusive (D&I) growth works to reduce inequalities in the society, creating economic, personal and professional growth that delivers better quality opportunities for all. D&I also matters in business as drivers for achieving superior performance, revenue growth, motivates employees, fostering competitiveness and innovation. Businesses can reap multiple benefits from nurturing an inclusive and diverse workforce, reach new markets, understand and identify new opportunities for unparalleled growth if they foster inclusive customer bases, products and services, value chains and market channels.

To harness and fully realise D&I in workplace, they must adopt principles of inclusiveness, strategies and models to harness a conducive culture. Diversity does not automatically lead to inclusion. Workplace D&I is about valuing every employee as an individual with differing capabilities. However, D&I remains an empty words in much of corporate businesses. Despite regulatory policies, changing economic landscape and positive growth, most agree the full opportunity has not been realised, remain unchanged or had deepened. Many companies invest in diversity efforts, yet are disappointed with the meagre results. Businesses and professionals face common barriers that are significantly hindering success.

Join us at our business networking series where we will break down barriers and discuss idea for accelerating Diversity and Inclusive (D&I) growth such as Inclusive financing, gender lens investing, talent acquisition and development, cultural sensitivity and unconscious bias, intercultural communication, public procurement, restrictive regulations and policies, delivering growth through diversity, and the role of ethnic SME in delivering inclusive globalisation and growth. More