Research on models
Research on localized models for inclusive business can provide concrete guidance to companies looking to develop or expand an inclusive business model or activity. Much of the research to-date has been sponsored by donors.
Case studies can be used to provide companies with examples of successful inclusive business models in a variety of sectors and locations. Similarly, sector-specific practitioner guides provide guidance and lessons learned to companies on how to develop and implement inclusive business models.
Governments may also sponsor research through universities or specialized research institutes. Such research can delve into specific topics and issues that are relevant in the local context. For example, agronomic research institutes can develop new seed varieties or farming practices to increase the competitiveness of smallholder farmers, identify potential locations for certain agricultural products, or develop new technologies to address the BOP’s specific needs.
Case Example
Growing Inclusive Markets Initiative, UNDP
The Growing Inclusive Markets (GIM) Initiative seeks to demonstrate how business can significantly contribute to human development by adopting an inclusive business model. GIM highlights successful efforts to simultaneously pursue revenues and social impact by private actors, from social entrepreneurs to local small and medium-sized enterprises, large domestic companies to multinational corporations, and even state-owned companies and civil society organizations.
GIM, with support from local researchers, has developed a wealth of knowledge and research tools on inclusive business, including a repository of 120 case studies from over 40 countries and a database of over 1,000 inclusive business models from all regions and sectors. GIM has also published several reports for private and public sector audiences.
Source: Growing Inclusive Markets. Home.
Further Examples:
- Agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, energy, ICT sector research. BMZ and GIZ.
- Endeva, MicroEnergy, GTZ: Energize the BOP.
- IFC, 2014: Shared Prosperity through Inclusive Business: How Successful Companies Reach the Base of the Pyramid.
- Philip E. Wilson (2011). Ecofiltro: Clean Drinking Water for All.
- UNDP (2013). Realizing Africa’s Wealth.
- WBCSD Access to Energy Initiative: Business solutions to enable energy access