Italy: Country Case Study on Inclusive Business
Policymakers have expressed interest in learning from peers that have already begun to support inclusive business. To support this request for knowledge-sharing, the G20 Global Platform on Inclusive Business developed a series of short pieces that examine the motivations, institutional coordination mechanisms, priorities and challenges that countries face as they support inclusive business.
Cooperatives can be involved across the spectrum of inclusive businesses, either by using an inclusive business model, operating inclusive business activities, or functioning as a social enterprise initiative. Cooperatives may also be a part of the value chain of a larger inclusive business company. Over the past seven years, cooperatives in Italy have played a key role in countering the financial crisis. From 2008-2013, cooperative enterprises have increased in number by 10%.
Moving forward, cooperatives are expected to continue to play a role in Italy in terms of development and growth, both economic and social.
The case study below elaborates the motivations, institutional coordination mechanisms, priorities and challenges that Italy faces in terms of supporting inclusive business.