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Publication database

This database contains a diverse range of more than 2,000 publications about inclusive business and relating topics, such as impact investing, microfinance and market systems approaches. You will find not only reports but also market intelligence, case studies, tools and videos that touch upon of several sectors and regions.

The diverse range of publications in this database all relate to inclusive business - meaning business models that engage base of the pyramid (BoP) consumers, suppliers, entrepreneurs and/or employees in low income and/or emerging markets.


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Database: Publications

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

This interview with the Co-Founders of Water.org explores practical ways to solve the global water and sanitation crisis; it reviews how microloans help water flow, and discusses ending water scarcity.

Publish Date
AuthorG. White, M. Damon
IB Topics:

This report documents an interview with Ruban Selvanayagam from Fez Tá Pronto Construction System in Brazil, a real estate development model that is focused on serving people at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) with affordable and high quality housing. It discusses the dysfunctional mainstream housing market dynamics, and the current practical challenges that face the scheme.

Publish Date
AuthorC. Knobloch, J. Schmidt, T. Leopold
Region/CountryGlobal, Latin America and the Caribbean
IB Topics: