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Publication database

This database contains a diverse range of more than 2,000 publications about inclusive business and relating topics, such as impact investing, microfinance and market systems approaches. You will find not only reports but also market intelligence, case studies, tools and videos that touch upon of several sectors and regions.

The diverse range of publications in this database all relate to inclusive business - meaning business models that engage base of the pyramid (BoP) consumers, suppliers, entrepreneurs and/or employees in low income and/or emerging markets.

Publication language

Publication type

Database: Publications

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Este documento, presentado como guía de aprendizaje, presenta el concepto de negocios inclusivos a través de la reseña breve de casos en América Latina, revisa sus elementos constitutivos y plantea el rol que juegan en la lucha contra la pobreza. Este es el primer capítulo de "Manual para el uso de herramientas que garanticen la innovación y la sostenibilidad de microemprendimiento exitosos con colectivos de población afrodescendiente con vulnerabilidad social"

Publish Date
AuthorO. Licandro
Region/CountryGlobal, Latin America and the Caribbean
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
IB Topics:

This report presents findings from a series of regional dialogues on sustainable livelihoods and the varying cultural and socio-economic contexts of doing business with the poor in Asia, Latin America and Africa. It elaborates on discussions regarding the motivations of doing business with the poor, understanding market needs and demand, reaching customers, financing investment, providing affordable products, scaling and improving supply chains.

Publish Date
Region/CountryEast Asia and Pacific, Global, Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa
Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, India, South Africa