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Publication database

This database contains a diverse range of more than 2,000 publications about inclusive business and relating topics, such as impact investing, microfinance and market systems approaches. You will find not only reports but also market intelligence, case studies, tools and videos that touch upon of several sectors and regions.

The diverse range of publications in this database all relate to inclusive business - meaning business models that engage base of the pyramid (BoP) consumers, suppliers, entrepreneurs and/or employees in low income and/or emerging markets.


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Database: Publications

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

This white paper presents an overview of the waste sector in East Africa with a focus on waste-to-value startups. The findings highlights gaps, opportunities, and potential solutions that could accelerate the growth of the ecosystem.

Publish Date
AuthorA. Makena, M. Mangeni
Region/CountrySub-Saharan Africa

This snapshot report details how prioritising green and social enterprises delivers triple returns - economic, social and environmental – in both short and long terms. It analyses the status quo, gaps and potentials of green and social enterprises as well as the SME support landscape in different areas and locations. Building on in-depth SEED-conducted interviews with enterprises and enterprise support providers, green recovery contributions and support opportunities were identified to improve the existing support offers for green and social enterprises in a green recovery context.

Publish Date
AuthorB. Rose, M. Zürker, S. Ong

Conexsus supports small farmers associations and cooperatives that work under a income-generating model that preserves standing forest and other biomes. It focuses on three lines of action: business model, market access, and impact finance.

Publish Date
AuthorA. Wagenberg, C. Suárez, J. L. R. de Munáin
Region/CountryLatin America and the Caribbean

There is a strong need for increased adoption of sustainable agricultural practices to bring the food from farm to fork while addressing three major challenges: feeding a growing population, providing a livelihood for farmers, and environmental protection. This is where decentralised renewable energy (DRE) technologies must play a key role. Moreover, as innovation in DRE-powered agricultural equipment and appliances steam ahead, their technical and commercial viability will improve further. Based on best practices from the 15 case studies, this publication makes recommendations for public and private stakeholders.

PublisherAlliance for Rural Electrification, UNIDO, ITPO
Publish Date
AuthorD. Lecoque, D. Mohapatra, G. Pammesberger, J. Jaeger, M. Schmidt

This report highlights opportunities for the private sector in Digital Climate Advisory Services (DCAS), including how to implement financially sustainable business models and recommendations for business. DCMS offer a huge opportunity to increase the productivity and resilience of smallholders and support sustainable food systems. 

PublisherWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Publish Date