TMTM Moringa

South Asia
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TMT (established in the 1990s) is a large company with a current revenue of about $50 million, The company has two business lines: a seafood production (Ta Nguyen Seafood) with import export facilities that does not qualify as IB, and a moringa production (TMTM). Moringa is a new super food with very high nutrition value growing in dry areas otherwise not used for crop production. 

TMTM now has four product lines from Moringa:

  • Mori: Moringa noodles, Moringa porridge, Moringa cookies, Moringa crackers, Moringa noodle soup, Moringa coffee, Moringa Soup, Moringa rice paper 
  • The gift farm: Vietnamese agricultural products, coconut oil, fresh fruit.
  • Chocomin: Artistic chocolate creation
  • Tara: Tara cosmetic line with a synthesis of amino acid chains from Moringa seeds, which helps to cleanse and protect the skin from pollutants.


Inclusive Business Model

Challenged by its low social reach and the fact that the company currently works with more than 4,000 moringa farmers through its CSR program but engages only 100 in its immediate supply chain, and considering the huge potential to expand reach and markets, the company owner has been adding a new IB business line. In addition to chocolate for wealthy clients, the company  produces a wider range of moringa products.

Moringa farmers are very poor farmers with about 0.5 ha land per farm. They are mostly women selling moringa in the local market at low rates. Although moringa is a super food which could 
bring high incomes, the farmers selling their produce in the market achieve a very low price due to the little value addition they give to their produce. One bag of moringa sells in the market 
at only 4500 VND. TMTM is currently working with many women through its CSR model. However, this does not guarantee major income increase for the women. Rather they achieve low prices 
when directly selling moringa in the market. With the new IB model many more women would be engaged by TMTM as suppliers and they would earn – through TMTM - substantially (20 per cent) 
more than now.


Moringa farmers are very poor farmers with about 0.5 ha land per farm. They are mostly women selling moringa in the local market at low rates. Although moringa is a super food which could 
bring high incomes, the farmers selling their produce in the market achieve a very low price due to the little value addition they give to their produce. One bag of moringa sells in the market 
at only 4500 VND. TMTM is currently working with many women through its CSR model. However, this does not guarantee major income increase for the women. Rather they achieve low prices 
when directly selling moringa in the market. With the new IB model many more women will be engaged by TMTM as suppliers and they will earn – through TMTM - substantially (20 per cent) 
more than now.