Jenny Melo

Innove is a think and do tank that aims to trigger a paradigm shift in people and organizations in order to contribute to the sustainability of the human species on this planet. We contribute to sustainability by working on the following themes: Corporate Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals, Inclusive Business, Corporate and Territorial Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Business and the Sustainable Development Goals: A guide for getting started

23. Jun 2016

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) announced by the United Nations in September 2015 are now the global navigation chart for anyone interested in sustainability and the survival of the human species on this planet. In order to accomplish this new Global Development Agenda, it is necessary that all actors – the state, citizens, social organizations and the business sector – use their knowhow to play an active role in contributing to it.

Many businesses are just beginning to move toward sustainability and are still developing an understanding of how these 17 SDGs relate to their work. Many companies are also discovering that in addition to presenting serious challenges, these goals are sources of numerous business opportunities for new products, services and markets.

Given the need to provide clear concepts and tools that are useful for businesses of any size and in any place, and are accessible to their work teams, the Taller de Pensamiento y Acción INNOVE SAS produced the report “Business and the Sustainable Development Goals: A guide for getting started,” which was released on June 20th.

This document presents central concepts that respond to the question: How can businesses contribute to the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development? The first part presents the Global Agenda and its 17 SDGs. The second part addresses the role of businesses with respect to the risks and opportunities presented by this new context and examines a conceptual framework of possibilities and opportunities for contributing to the SDGs. The report is specially targeted towards micro, small and medium enterprises in emerging economies, and builds on and adapts existing tools for defining SDG priorities and beginning to take action.

Our goal with this publication is to provide concepts and tools so that more businesses can begin moving toward sustainable management, and gain new ideas about how they can do more and build better businesses, for the planet and society.

According to Ernst Ligteringen, Sustainability Consultant and Former Chief Executive of the Global Reporting Initiative, “INNOVE has presented us with a very practical guide explaining how to use the SDGs, in order to help your business find its path. At the same time, this contributes to the future well-being of your clients and employees, generating sustainable economic value in the market.”

The document can be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the Innove website: (not longer available)