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Publication database

This database contains a diverse range of more than 2,000 publications about inclusive business and relating topics, such as impact investing, microfinance and market systems approaches. You will find not only reports but also market intelligence, case studies, tools and videos that touch upon of several sectors and regions.

The diverse range of publications in this database all relate to inclusive business - meaning business models that engage base of the pyramid (BoP) consumers, suppliers, entrepreneurs and/or employees in low income and/or emerging markets.


Publication language

Database: Publications

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Developing solutions that address ill health can be a triple win for clients, society and financial service providers. Keeping clients and their families healthy makes business sense, but while there is great demand for such solutions, only a few providers have focussed on tackling health challenges. Our latest paper includes case studies and outlines the scope for financial service providers to develop holistic health solutions.

PublisherThe ILO's Impact Insurance Facility
Publish Date
AuthorC. Churchill, L. Morgan

With the support of the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, this report seeks to do this by examining the legal framework that provides the foundation for progress and future growth, the key actors and their roles within the supply chain, and the best opportunities to invest in the growth and formalization of enterprises operating in the recycled waste sector in Peru. The conclusion of this report identifies significant opportunity to transform the waste management sector in Peru by engaging key actors who are well-positioned to strengthen the recycling and waste management sector as a whole while expanding new market and microenterprise opportunities. 

Publish Date
Region/CountryLatin America and the Caribbean
IB Topics: BoP as customer

This Policy Brief explores the main factors that influence willingness to pay (WTP) among utility customers to pay a hypothetical sanitation surcharge. These factors included: trust that the money would be spent correctly; perceived own-benefit from slum sanitation improvement; feelings of solidarity with slumdwellers; and satisfaction with water and sanitation services

Publish Date
AuthorC. Delaire, J. Kisiangani, P. Ronoh, R. Peletz
Region/CountrySub-Saharan Africa
IB Topics: BoP as customer

This Policy Brief summarises a literature review that explored the costs of various sanitation technologies.

Publish Date
Region/CountrySouth Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya
IB Topics: BoP as customer

This paper reviews possibilities for, and experience with, credit-linked crop insurance, including different types of insurance and credit arrangements, ranging from insurance sold to individual farmers to meso insurance sold to financial service providers to cover losses suffered by farmer borrowers.

PublisherThe ILO's Impact Insurance Facility
Publish Date
AuthorP. Hazell, P. Varangis, R. Meyer
IB Topics: BoP as customer

The report highlights key findings from a qualitative research in Sri Lanka, which was designed to improve the mobile industry’s understanding of farmers’ identity-related needs and pain points, as well as their attitudes and perceptions towards digital identity. It highlights a number of important cross-cutting themes that are likely to shape the opportunity for identity solutions in Sri Lanka, as well as other emerging markets. The research also explores how agribusinesses and other service providers could gather and/or authenticate digital information for farmers in order to help them build robust and recognised ‘economic identities’. 

Publish Date
AuthorM. Wilson
Region/CountryEast Asia and Pacific
Sri Lanka
IB Topics: BoP as customer