IB Choice

Every month we present the most significant publications.

IB Choice is a curated library of topical publications carefully selected by IB experts. This collection complements the publications database by helping users navigate an abundance of available publications. Each publication highlighted in this collection distills key recommendations, as well as insights into the relevance of the material for inclusive business. Users can search entries by topic, region and country to enable them to find highly targeted and specific information pertinent to their needs and interests. 

Displaying 1 - 12 of 15

Foreign companies operating in a ‘host’ country’s private sector play an important role in fostering inclusive development in these nations. How can they realise their full potential for inclusivity?  This PhD thesis explores the contributions of the Dutch private sector to inclusive development in Kenya’s three most important sectors and makes recommendations for companies and policymakers.

This article proposes six possible avenues for quality OGS companies to reduce the price difference of their products compared to non-quality products, starting from the cost categories that account for most of the price difference between quality and non-quality Solar Home Systems (SHS). These are not the only solutions, but they are a start!

Myanmar’s IB landscape is at a nascent stage. This study assessed 176 businesses that already function as inclusive businesses or have the potential to become inclusive.

This survey shows how inclusive business practice and initiatives have increased over the past three years, particularly in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and among large national companies, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

This study by INCLUDE captures current views of inclusive development challenges in Africa, and identifies key interventions to reduce poverty and inequality in the region.

This Impact Investing Market Map was developed by the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) to help businesses move beyond the traditional environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting to measuring societal impact of business strategies and investments according to the SDGs.

This article summarizes main insights from "Integrating the SDGs into corporate reporting: A practical guide". The publication outlines a process of ‘principled prioritization’ aimed at helping companies to identify and prioritize their SDG targets, take action and report on their progress.

Inclusive business is now part of the 2016-2025 ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) Development. This report presents an IB situationer for ASEAN and identifies measures to mainstream inclusive business in member states.

The Model Agreement for Responsible Contract Farming is a simple and practical legal tool to support the implementation of global principles and guidelines and make responsible investment a reality. This article summarizes the main insights and recommendations from the guide to leverage the insights for practitioners.

The GRI report identifies four areas in which businesses can contribute to ending poverty: in the workplace (e.g. fair wages and working conditions), in the supply chain (e.g. promoting labour rights), in the market place (e.g. inclusive products and services), and in the external operating environment (e.g. paying taxes transparently and impact investing).

The Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society benchmarked the philanthropic sector in 15 Asian countries. The analysis ranks the countries on their enabling environment for philanthropic giving.

The study aims to provide more understanding on the importance of inclusive business (IB) in helping narrow the chasm between the rich and the poor, alongside addressing the gender gap. It aspires to provide a fresh perspective on how businesses that recognize gender-based constraints reap substantial benefits and trickle-down results up to those in the base of the pyramid (BoP).
