Caroline Ashley

Caroline focuses on how innovative economic models can deliver more inclusive and resilient development.

Caroline has worked on markets, business models and investment approaches that deliver social impact for many years in roles with challenge funds, impact investors, entrepreneurs, corporates, NGOs and policy makers. As Results Director of the DFID Business Innovation Facility, and Sida Innovations Against Poverty programme, she founded the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business in 2010, then took on hosting it, and acted as Editor of the Hub for 7 years before it transitioned into managed by IBAN.

Most recently Caroline led economic justice programmes at Oxfam GB, before moving to Forum for the Future, to lead global systems change programmes to accelerate our transition to a sustainable future.

A gathering of pioneers: new report highlights key trends in inclusive business in Asia

East Asia and Pacific
South Asia
8. Jun 2016

In February 2016, inclusive business pioneers and thought leaders from across Asia came together to share ideas, experience and knowledge at the Asian Development Bank's (ADB) 2nd IB Asia Forum in Manila, Philippines. The result was four days of lively discussion, collaboration and questioning on the state of inclusive business in the region and where it is heading. A gathering of pioneers, the Forum Report, takes an in-depth look at the key themes discussed and the implications for Asia. This blog introduces the report and is the first in a series by the ADB and the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business that explores key topics from the Forum.

There were diverse participants and views at the Forum but consensus that the potential of inclusive business is huge, but so far is under-exploited in the region. Inclusive business can address problems of the poor at scale, in a sustainable commercially viable way. But this approach is still a small niche, harnessing a fraction of investment and attention. It needs to grow.  

Consensus was also strong that scaling inclusive business will require all actors to ‘up their game’. Aside from businesses and governments, the discussions drilled into the key roles that commercial banks, investors, advocacy facilitators (like business associations) and development banks in particular can play.

We also heard clearly that:

  • Inclusive business is less developed in South East Asia than the rest of Asia for multiple reasons. The policy framework is improving in all countries, but governments and industry associations can do more to catalyze new business models and create a conducive environment. Inclusive business certification was discussed as a way forward.
  • The profitability of inclusive business is now being demonstrated in some portfolios. Impact at scale is emerging. However, perceived riskiness of inclusive business deals remains a huge issue. It is perceived as more risky than conventional investment, but in fact the risk is different – not necessarily higher – and there are a host of risk mitigating strategies already being deployed. There is a need for more information and training for traditional investors. 

  • Inclusive business is emerging across sectors in Asia. So far it is most common in agribusiness. It is growing fast in finance. Inclusive business innovations are not confined to any sector, and indeed they often involve business partnerships that straddle sectors. 

  • Participants combined enthusiasm with realism. Inclusive business is hard because it is pioneering. There is no blueprint and iteration is demanded. Leaders in the field started slowly and evolved time and again. There is much further to go but the potential is rewarding. 

This was a conference with a difference in many ways:  a balanced mix of businesses with investors, bankers and development bankers;  a mix of experience from corporates and social enterprise, and from South Asia and South East Asia, with candid recognition of the differences;  almost all the presentations that speakers used are available online (how often do you hear that will happen but never see the reality?);  a great synthesis of information about the status of inclusive business in the region was shared by ADB in advance of the conference, and posted in IB in Asia.