IB Choice

Every month we present the most significant publications.

IB Choice is a curated library of topical publications carefully selected by IB experts. This collection complements the publications database by helping users navigate an abundance of available publications. Each publication highlighted in this collection distills key recommendations, as well as insights into the relevance of the material for inclusive business. Users can search entries by topic, region and country to enable them to find highly targeted and specific information pertinent to their needs and interests. 

Displaying 1 - 12 of 18

Foreign companies operating in a ‘host’ country’s private sector play an important role in fostering inclusive development in these nations. How can they realise their full potential for inclusivity?  This PhD thesis explores the contributions of the Dutch private sector to inclusive development in Kenya’s three most important sectors and makes recommendations for companies and policymakers.

In this article, the GDC shares key insights on the procurement challenges that Last mile distributors (LMDs) face, as well as emerging solutions leveraging centralized purchasing models.

La empresa de capital de riesgo Village Capital y sus asociados están apoyando a las empresas de nueva creación de fintech en el África subsahariana, y en el presente informe se presenta su cohorte de 2018 de 12 empresas de nueva creación que están ayudando a los agricultores, las pequeñas empresas, las cooperativas y los hogares a obtener un mayor y mejor acceso a los servicios financieros móviles.

La société de capital-risque Village Capital et ses partenaires soutiennent les jeunes pousses de fintech en ASS. Ce rapport présente la cohorte 2018 de 12 jeunes pousses qui aident les agriculteurs, les petites entreprises, les coopératives et les ménages à accéder plus facilement et plus largement aux services financiers mobiles.

Venture capital firm Village Capital and its partners are supporting early-stage fintech startups in SSA, and this report features its 2018 cohort of 12 startups that are helping farmers, small businesses, cooperatives, and households gain greater and better access to mobile financial services.

The Model Agreement for Responsible Contract Farming is a simple and practical legal tool to support the implementation of global principles and guidelines and make responsible investment a reality. This article summarizes the main insights and recommendations from the guide to leverage the insights for practitioners.

Este estudio de McKinsey destaca tres factores de éxito para los sistemas de dinero móvil: la escala, las asociaciones y la innovación.

Cette étude de McKinsey met en évidence trois facteurs de succès des systèmes de monnaie mobile : l'échelle, les partenariats et l'innovation.

This McKinsey study highlights three success factors for mobile money systems: scale, partnerships, and innovation.

L'article de la Harvard Business Review se concentre sur la mise en œuvre d'initiatives commerciales inclusives et souligne la nécessité de passer de la RSE aux activités commerciales de base.

The Harvard Business Review article focuses on the implementation of inclusive business initiatives and stresses the need to move from CSR to core business activities.

En la presente publicación se ofrece una instantánea del panorama mundial de la financiación mixta, basada en las inversiones del sector privado realizadas por 35 instituciones de desarrollo bilaterales y multilaterales entre 2012 y 2015.
